Educate the heart, mind, and body
In School Programs
in school classes
Yoga and mindfulness is a simple practice that can be introduced to children as young as 3 years. Many people call it a tool, however, it is really a path. Our program will help support children along this path.
Bringing yoga and mindfulness into your classroom not only teaches invaluable self-regulation skills, stress reduction, and physical literacy it also teaches students that this practice is not limited to the yoga studio or class. This is a practice that can be applied anytime, anywhere and is available for everyone.
Virtual or in-person classes start at $60.00
workshops for educators
Our program is an educational introduction to mindfulness and yoga. Using yoga-inspired postures and mindfulness techniques as a catalyst for inspiring creativity and a positive mindset.
We believe that yoga and mindfulness are essential tools for the social and emotional well-being of children.
We feel that the complexity of yoga and mindfulness can be taught in a simplified and educational way through visual means, which was the purpose of creating a deck of practice cards that accompany our programs/workshops. We honor and acknowledge the curiosity of all children and we hope that our program will inspire and uplift not only your students but your staff and faculty as well.